The Art and
Science of Joy

Our mission is to inspire
and empower you to find
more joy in your life

Join the
Joy Movement

Are you looking to harvest more joy in your life? Are you looking to bring more joy to the lives of others?

We invite you to join the Year of Joy community, and join a growing group of people, who just like you, are taking the decision to prioritize joy in their lives. We believe, joy is a gift best shared so come along and join the Joy Movement.

The Year of Joy is a free online community where you will be inspired and empowered to grow your joy muscles each and every month of the year. 

Yours joyfully,

Debby and Andrew

Creators of the Year of Joy

Why The World
Needs More Joy?

If you follow the media, you would be forgiven for thinking that the world is a bad place. The seeds of FEAR and NEGATIVITY are being sown everywhere and have the power to negatively impact us in many ways. 

The world is indeed going through a period of great transformation, and to cope with this change, people need JOY and OPTIMISM as driving forces in their lives and not fear nor negativity. By leading more joy-filled lives, people are able to do more good not only for themselves, but also for other people as well as for the planet.

The Recipe For
A Joy-Filled Life

The foundation for living a joy-filled life is built on taking care of our own emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. And, as we humans are social animals, we also need a sense of genuine belonging to flourish.

With a strong base of wellbeing and belonging, we have the strength to have a positive impact on others and on the planet through our thoughts, words and actions and thereby bring even more meaning and joy our lives. 

And as life is short, we believe it’s important not to take things too seriously, but to have fun and enjoy this journey called life!

Wellbeing, belonging, positive impact and fun: 4 simple, yet powerful ingredients to help you live a joy-filled life.

What is Your Joy-Cocktail?

Everyone is on their own joy journey and can use these 12 ingredients to build the joy-cocktail which works best for them. Our mission is to give you the inspiration to play with these ingredients and empower you to fill your own cup with joy.

Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you!

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